U might B from GUAM

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U might B from GUAM...

if your pet is a Brown Tree Snake...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you kiss (nge-nge') the palm of everyone older than you...


U might B from GUAM...

if you feel that GUAM stands for 'Give Us American Money'...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you flunked out of parochial school...


U might B from GUAM...

if you believe that 'faggots' like 'maggots' are a breed of worms...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you rinse your hair with lemon...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you own a pair of white, patent shoes...

 U might B from GUAM...

if the church sends you a special box of  'chenchule' envelopes every year...


U might B from GUAM...

if you believe that getting foodstamp is an inherrent civil right...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you claim Spanish Citizenship because Ferdinand Magellan discovered Guam...


U might B from GUAM...

if you eat Fruitbats...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you have wet dreams all the time...


  U might B from GUAM...

if you eat Spam for Breakfast, Spam for Lunch & Spam for Dinner...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you are 42-years old and still live with your parents...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you find Tupperware or Amway presentations ALOT OF FUN...

 U might B from GUAM...

if your credit score is 350 and you register for Identity Theft Protection...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your IQ is a mathematical formula (>20 but <50)...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you have between 15 and 24 siblings...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your bathtub doubles as a water storage unit...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you go to a party and ask the host for tin foil...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you have rocks in your shower...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you give a head gesture to everyone you make eye contact with...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your family tree has way too many question marks...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you're related to 99% of the island's population...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you eat Spagetti with rice...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you can 'cha-cha' to the Stars Spangle Banner...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you owned a military cookbook for cornbeef...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you have many aunties and uncles who are much younger than you...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you call soy sauce 'ketchup'...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you like sardines in your pizza...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you call tomato ketchup 'catsup'...

 U might B from GUAM...

if your 1st sex teacher was your Grandma...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe that cockfighting is an artistic expression...


 U might B from GUAM...

if CHOD is your favorite adjective...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe that a party is not a party without booze...

 U might B from GUAM...

if your home is a shack and your ranch is a lean-to...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you go to church on Sundays expecting to get laid...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your Sunday Church Service begins after the sermon...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you go to the prom in designer clothes with zorris...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your sister is also your auntie...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe that golfers are 'real' athletes...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you have more pets at home than the Humane Society...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you claim to have been abducted by aliens...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you eat everything with (fina'dene) Chamori chili sauce...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you're fanatical about your 8-track stereo...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you were taught that playing with yourself was a sin, so you let others do it for you...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you're afraid of ghost...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you're a compulsive dreamer...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you joined the Navy to see the world...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you claim all your pets as dependents...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe in dwarfs (duendes & nanu)...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you're an expert at 'chamorurizing' words or phrases, such as...

Computer to Komputa...

Printer to Printa...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you're an expert at dodging unexploded bombs leftover from World War II...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you're allergic to cooked food...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you own a Black & White TV Set...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe the Karaoke machine is God's gift to the Chamori people...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you're intimidated by Chamori women...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you attended more colleges than you have fingers but still a freshman...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you've seen UFOs near Talofofo...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you host a 'before' or 'after' typhoon party...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you claim that the 'twist' was an ancient Chamori dance...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you stop swimming in the ocean because it starts to rain...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you have eight (8) sets of godparents...

 U might B from GUAM...

if at least half of your family works for the government...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe white tube socks are a fashion statement...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you scribbled your name and phone number on your bathroom wall...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your family tree is much like the coconut tree

(a generational straight line)...

 U might B from GUAM...

if your idea of a romantic evening is going to a secluded beach and nude-dancing until sunrise...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe the U.S. Marines returned to Guam in 1944 to save your grandfather's ass...

 U might B from GUAM...

if the Governor and the Archbishop are in your FAVE...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you ask permission to pee in the woods...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you drive a classic duct-taped Ford Mustang...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you shake your bootie like 7-whole grains on a mission...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you sing religious hymns all day long...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you speak your own language with a foreign accent...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you carry a used condom in your wallet, JUST IN CASE...



U might B from GUAM...

if being nude is your idea of casual attire...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you majored in Criminal Mischief...


U might B from GUAM...

if you eat pizza with a knife and fork...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you salute everyone in uniform...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you walk around with an expired social security card...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you cringe at the thought of being called a 'micronesian'...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you have non-dated but completed FEMA Claim Forms for the next disaster...

 U might B from GUAM...

if the best date you ever had was the Junior-Senior Prom with your sister ...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your name is tattooed on your body lest you forget...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe that massage therapy is sooo CHAMORI...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your class A uniform is a thong...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe that Masterbate is some kind of government subsidy or rebate ...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you claim POW status for the Japanese Occupation in World War II...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you're a religious non-comformist ...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you go to a funeral to play poker...

 U might B from GUAM...

if your wife has hair on her chest...


  U might B from GUAM...

if you're so patriotic that you claim to be the brown crust of that American Pie...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you're a die-heart Republican with extreme liberal tendencies...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you look gorgeous in your Drivers License photo...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you're a 'Swap Meet' junkie...


 U might B from GUAM...

if your birth certificate has place of birth as 'unknown'...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you're a compulsive dreamer...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you believe in fairies...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you've watched rerun episodes of the Lone Ranger...


 U might B from GUAM...

if John Wayne is your superhero...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you apply your own urine to an insect bite...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you personify the true meaning of CHOD...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you cook everything with coconut milk...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you suffer from cloister-phobia having been born and raised on a small island...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you feel that BIG women are yum-yum...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you use pomade on your hair...


 U might B from GUAM...

if you agree that kamachili is the natural homegrown Viagra...

 U might B from GUAM...

if your nickname is 'boy' or 'bobo'...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you open a $5.00 savings account at all the island banks...

3204 Tower Oaks Blvd, Rockville, Maryland 20852