U might B from GUAM

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 U might B from GUAM...

if you sport a distinctive beauty mark someplace unseen...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you have experienced the "ma chotgi" treatment...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you avoid the sun so you could turn white...

 U might B from GUAM...

if brown-nosing is your natural M.O....

 U might B from GUAM...

if voting is your God-given right to secure donations from a candidate...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you regularly receive clothes from the Red Cross...

 U might B from GUAM...

if everyone can sense you miles away...

...the fragrance of your cologne...

 U might B from GUAM...

if fishchips is an ancient Chamori invention aka...fried mañåhak...

 U might B from GUAM...

if 'Hu'u Neni' is more than just a term of endearment...

 U might B from GUAM...

if glowing in the dark is just a Taotaomo'na experience...

 U might B from GUAM...

if 'songgi' is your kind of smokes...

 U might B from GUAM...

if you have actual skeletons in your closet...

 U might B from GUAM...

if your IQ is equal to your age...

Name:: Joe Blas, Windward Hills, Yona, Guam
Joke:: Pedro and Juan were at a company party at Ypao Beach.  Pedro calls his wife for assistance...Honey, bring me and my amigo a drink please...Sugar Pea, please get me a plate of kelaguen...Sweetheart...will you turn up the volume of the music...Peaches, get me that coconut cream pie you made, it's so delicious...cream puff, while you're at the bar, bring over a couple of drinks please.  Juan was very impressed how Pedro addresses his wife... and asked..."Pedro..I know that you've been married for twenty-five years...and, and you are so intimate when you call your wife...and she loves it; you get whatever you want..." Pedro pauses for a few seconds and replied "Juan...don't tell my wife this...but I forgot her name...

Lola:    What is a  CHÅD?
Jason:     Ombre nai. A CHÅD is a 'babe' from Guam. A dark-skined, thick mama with long blond hair & short mini skirt who drives around in a Chevy Cavalier.

Kiko':     What is a four letter word for "nightmare"?
JR:     Hekkua' adai, what is it?
Kiko':     "W I F E"

Jose:  What is a local person?
Tony:    CHAMORU
Jose:  Okay, now what is a local voter:
Tony:  Hekkua', don't know.
Jose:    MUDORU.

Name:: Joe Blas, Windward Hills, Yoña, Guahan


Joke:: Dog For Sale:

Juan was passing through Yoña and noticed a sign on a yard..."Talking Dog For Sale"...Juan was kinda curious...so he got down from his pick-up truck and inquired with the dog's owner. Juan asked the owner if it's true that this dog can talk...the owner stated "ask the dog yourself" Juan walked over to the dog that was laying down under a shaded tree...Juan questioned the dog "are you the talking dog?" The dog replied yes; wow says Juan...then why are you here in Yona? The dog told his story..."I was working for the CIA for ten years, then hired to be the guard dog for the governor and traveled the world over...got tired doing that...then moved here to Yoña, settled down, got hooked up with a beautiful Yoña chamoridog and had six puppies...now I'm retired and that's my story"... Juan still stunned, questioned the owner...excuse me, sir...that's a beautiful story your dog told...how much are you asking for him..."ten dollars", Juan...again stunned...why ten dollars...you can get rich immediately...the owner says...did my dog tell you his story...well....he's a liar, he didn't do any of that stuff.

3204 Tower Oaks Blvd, Rockville, Maryland 20852